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How do I convert a PEM to PFX?

You can achieve this using OpenSSL (Mac OSX includes OpenSSL within Terminal.app) or our converter tool. You should have the following files (Filenames are just for reference) - Your generated CSR (cert.csr) - Your Private Key File (key.pem) - Your SSL certificate provided by the CA (cert.cer) - The Intermediate Certificate provided by the CA (CA.cer) **Servertastic Certificate Converter** You can also use the [Servertastic Certificate Converter](https://tools.servertastic.com/certificate-converter) **OpenSSL Commands** Using OpenSSL run the following command `openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.cer -inkey key.pem -out certificate.pfx -certfile CA.cer` This should output a certificate.pfx file.

Convert Private Key to RSA format

Some hosting systems require the Private key to be in RSA format rather than PEM. You can easily convert these files using OpenSSL. Your private key file will usually start with `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----` an RSA private key will start with `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` To convert your key simply run the following OpenSSL command `openssl rsa -in domain.key -out domain-rsa.key`

Can't convert CRT to PFX for IIS

Hi, You kindly supplied me with a .crt file, however, I cannot convert this to a .pfx file, required for IIS, since I do not have a private key for the certificate. I tried your converter and OpenSSL but nothing is working sadly. The certificate is a SAN cert, so covered multiple domains. Are you able to convert it for me? Best regards, Liam Young

Sectigo SSL OV - 1 year / 2 year certificates

We usually order Sectigo SSL OV certificates for 1 or 2 years due to the short lived nature of some of our sites and the new guidance for the maximum life of a certificate. But i can no longer find Sectigo SSL OV for 1 or 2 years, have these been removed?

CSR does not contain a wildcard domain as expected


Why was my order cancelled before it was issued?

There are a few reasons why the order may be cancelled before it was issued. **Not Validated within 90 days** If the order has not been validated within 90 days of placing the order then it will automatically be cancelled. **Approver Rejected** An email approver was sent to approve the certificate issuance. The email recipient has rejected the issuance and so the order has been cancelled. **Cancelled by User** The order was cancelled by the user either via the order management page or the API **How to restart your order or request a refund** Please refer to the following guidance on how to restart yoru order or request a refund [Restart Order / Request Refund](https://docs.servertastic.com/docs/cancel-https-order#restart-order) Orders purchased using points automatically receive a credit for orders cancelled.