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How do I convert a PEM to PFX?
about 4 years ago by Andy Gambles
You can achieve this using OpenSSL (Mac OSX includes OpenSSL within Terminal.app) or our converter tool.
You should have the following files (Filenames are just for reference)
- Your generated CSR (cert.csr)
- Your Private Key File (key.pem)
- Your SSL certificate provided by the CA (cert.cer)
- The Intermediate Certificate provided by the CA (CA.cer)
Servertastic Certificate Converter
You can also use the Servertastic Certificate Converter
OpenSSL Commands
Using OpenSSL run the following command
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.cer -inkey key.pem -out certificate.pfx -certfile CA.cer
This should output a certificate.pfx file.