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How do I access the Sectigo Order Checker?

You can view any order placed with Sectigo by clicking the View on Sectigo button on the order management page. ![](https://files.readme.io/f111f7d-view_sectigo.png)

How do I access the DigiCert Guest Portal?

You can access the DigiCert Guest Portal for your order using the link below <https://app.servertastic.com/digicert-guest-portal> Resellers can provide the whitelabel version of the link to customers.

accidentally got wrong domain cert?

I tried to get a domain certificate for "(mydomain)com". My ISP now tells me the PRIMARY needs to be for "www.(mydomain).com". How can I fix this? Your UI didn't allow me to change the primary/add-on. I've already paid for 2 years, so I just want to get through the process. How to do that? I cancelled the certificate, but now I can't get back to issuing a cert for the "www" version or anything else.

90 day SSL certificates

Has anyone heard anything definite about Google wanting to reduce maximum expiry dates to 90 days for SSL certificates? Sectigo and Digicert are the only companies who have mentioned this so far - nothing from Google officially....

Can't convert CRT to PFX for IIS

Hi, You kindly supplied me with a .crt file, however, I cannot convert this to a .pfx file, required for IIS, since I do not have a private key for the certificate. I tried your converter and OpenSSL but nothing is working sadly. The certificate is a SAN cert, so covered multiple domains. Are you able to convert it for me? Best regards, Liam Young

Facing a 500 Server Error

Hello, I'm fulfilling the different steps for a new Sectigo OV SSL wildcard certificate. I choosed DNS verification, but when pressing Next after Organization page, I'm facing a 500 server Error. I tried several times and it's always doing the same. I have to start from scratch after some time, without more success...