Discussions / FAQs
How do I download my intermediate certificate?
Once the order is complete there is the option to download the certificate from the order management page within your account. Within the Certificates section of the order management page is the option to select [Show CA Certs]. Clicking this will reveal the intermediate and root certificates linked to your certificate.
Can I get an EV SSL Wildcard Certificate?
Due to strict validation requirements set down by all Certificate Authorities wildcard EV certificates are not available from any provider.
I need a certificate with CA=True or KeyUsage=CertSign
The above key constraints mean that the certificate is allowed to issue signed certificates. It is not possible to purchase a publicly trusted certificate with these constraints from any Certificate Authority.
Why is my certificate is only valid for 1 year but I purchased for multiple years?
Due to changes implemented by the CA Browser Forum certificates can only have a maximum validity period of 397 days to be trusted by browsers.