Discussions / FAQs
Why was my order cancelled before it was issued?
There are a few reasons why the order may be cancelled before it was issued.
Can I get an EV SSL Wildcard Certificate?
Due to strict validation requirements set down by all Certificate Authorities wildcard EV certificates are not available from any provider.
I need a certificate with CA=True or KeyUsage=CertSign
The above key constraints mean that the certificate is allowed to issue signed certificates. It is not possible to purchase a publicly trusted certificate with these constraints from any Certificate Authority.
Sectigo SSL OV - 1 year / 2 year certificates
We usually order Sectigo SSL OV certificates for 1 or 2 years due to the short lived nature of some of our sites and the new guidance for the maximum life of a certificate.
But i can no longer find Sectigo SSL OV for 1 or 2 years, have these been removed?
Why is my certificate is only valid for 1 year but I purchased for multiple years?
Due to changes implemented by the CA Browser Forum certificates can only have a maximum validity period of 397 days to be trusted by browsers.
Error can occur when visiting a website even in modern browsers.
Error 111 (net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED): Unknown error
This message is sometimes displayed when accessing an SSL page via a proxy (including our own payment page PayPal).
Convert Private Key to RSA format
Some hosting systems require the Private key to be in RSA format rather than PEM. You can easily convert these files using OpenSSL.
How do I convert a PEM to PFX?
You can achieve this using OpenSSL (Mac OSX includes OpenSSL within Terminal.app) or our converter tool.
This usually means the implementation of SSL on your server is not correct. The error is usually caused by a server side problem which the server administrator will need to investigate.